About Me

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HI!! My name is Dominique. Im a 37 year old mother of 4 and wife to 1! Im a professional musician, an avid reader, an arts and crafts lover, a geeky family tree researcher, a sometimes party animal and a full time animal fanatic! I'll try to record only the interesting stuff! I have experience and interest in animal rescue and animal conservation, homebirthing, maoritanga, vegetarianism and health issues.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

current read

Im currently reading "the passage" by Justin Cronin. So far so good, in fact it has had me quite enthralled from the beginning. I tend to be a "judge a book by its cover"person, literally, so I never really know what kind of read Im getting myself into. I saw this on special at the bookstore and was enticed by the cover image. Im guessing the girl with the haunted look on the front is a character, Amy, from the novel. She certainly has me wanting to follow the story. Its a large book, and at the rate that Im reading it at, is probably gonna take me some time to get through.
Story outline so far.....
Something terrible has happened to a group of scientists in the jungles of Bolivia. One of the surviving Doctors has set up a laboratory back in the States, so top secret, most involved, have to give their lives for it. Amy, a young girl possesses something to which no one can understand yet she is the key to unlocking a mystery and all of those that come into contact with her, will give everything they have to protect her.

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